
Who Knew I Was a Prefold Gal...

What people fail to realize when I tell them I use cloth diapers on Silver, is that the process has evolved quite a bit over the years.  There are no safety pins.  I don't spray my diapers in the toilet.  And there is even velro (aka hook and loop).  We rented our diapers in the beginning and my hubby and I were drawn towards pocket diapers.  These can probably be the most similar to disposables.  You just put the stuffin' in and go.  Great for grandmas.  Great for babysitters.  Great for outings.  The future of cloth.  However, due to my apparent addiction to cloth diapers (in that we totally have enough to function but I still can't seem to resist the newest thing that comes out or cute pattern), and because I needed a better overnight solution (we were combating leaks...) I have recently discovered my love for good old fashioned prefolds.  This is when you lay a folded piece of fabric into a diaper cover and then reuse the cover a couple of times before  you have to wash it.  And... I tell you, it pretty much rocks.  While it wouldn't be my favorite while we're out and about, I very much love it while we're in, which is a lot of the time.  And especially for naps and overnight.  Essential for overnight.  It just seems to catch the pee a little quicker I suppose.  And a lot more of it.  But how cute are these?  How could I possibly resist?  I originally went gender friendly in my purchases, but have since let go.  I mean, these are just too adorable to say no to... :)

Thirsties - Alice Brights 
Weehuggers - Flower Child

And, I just felt like I needed to share this because it is cute and hilarious...!


Coupon Clipper Extraordinaire

So, since making the decision to be a stay at home mama, I have picked up couponing to help save some money.  And I've become addicted!  Love, love, love finding, clipping, and organizing coupons.  It's kind of like a game.  A game that I really want to win...

I've been following several coupon blogs, including Organic Deals, and an amazing local blog, The Coupon Closet.  The girl who runs it, Carrie, is absolutely incredible.  She posts the best deals and always tells how you can get things for FREE if you use the right coupons and get it at the right store!  She also always posts pictures of how much stuff she buys and says how much it should have cost and how much she paid.  There will be like 20+ items and she'll be like, "I spent $6.37 and most of it was tax."

Well, last night I actually went to a coupon clipping class.  That's right, a class.  Taught by the famous Carrie.  And I loved it!  I feel like I learned a TON!

I'm SO going to get to be that good.  Look out world, I'm on it.


Quinoa and Black Beans

Made another quinoa inspired recipe last night that was pretty yummy. And SUPER quick and easy. Wish I would have had fresh beans I had soaked overnight and had a fresh tomato... but, still. It was good like this! :)

Quinoa and Black Beans

1 c quinoa
1 can black beans (drained and rinsed)
1 can diced tomatoes with onion
5 chopped green onions
1 avocado, cubed
Juice of one lime

Place quinoa and 2 cups of water in a sauce pan and bring to a boil.
Reduce to a simmer, cover, and cook until all of the water is absorbed, approximately 10-15 minutes. (Quinoa is done when all the grains have turned from white to transparent, and the spiral-like germ has separated.)
Add green onions, black beans, lime juice and tomatoes.
Serve with avocado on top.


The Change in Me

There are so many things you know will change when you have a baby and yet so many things that are surprises of which you just begin to adapt.  For instance, I no longer wear the long necklaces I used to always wear because Silver is constantly trying to grab them and put them in her mouth.  My necklace I miss the most was made in Uganda by a woman/man/orphan that rolled magazine scraps by hand and I figure that really can't be very hygienic for her to chew on.  :)  (But it is a great cause and the necklaces are awesome - Beads of Hope Africa).  But, anyway, I'm thinking about getting one of these necklaces from http://www.smartmomjewelry.com/ because I miss wearing necklaces!!!  And I bet Silver would love it.

I'm also no longer wearing bracelets for the same aforementioned reason.  *Sigh.  And I'm constantly late.  Even when I'm sure I'm going to be on time, I'm late.  Sometimes five minutes, but usually closer to fifteen.  If it looks like I'm going to be on time, there will certainly be a last second spit up, diaper leakage, or something of that nature.  Minus the time we made it to church on time and left the diaper bag at home... :)

In addition to the time it takes to get out the door, you don't realize that a 15 minute grocery store trip takes 30 minutes by the time you've got the cart cover on, the kid out of the car, the toys in the cart with her, you slow down periodically to distract her, then you've got to pack all of her stuff up and get her back in the car before you unload the groceries...  Everything just takes a bit longer these days.  :)

Another change that I wasn't aware of is the sleepiness factor.  You expect to be tired during the first months, but you don't hear as much about how 8 months later, your baby might still not be sleeping through the night.  DISCLAIMER: if you're judging me right now b/c Silver isn't sleeping through the night, STOP.  I do not believe in the 'cry it out' method and Silver is still pretty much exclusively breast fed.  So, if you're miracle child was sleeping through the night at this point, then good for you.  But I bet he/she was bottle fed and did some crying those first couple of nights... So, to each their own.  :)  I know I'm not alone in this because the mamas in my Mom's Support Group went through the same thing with their little ones and they've got my back.  :)

You'd think at 8 months things would seem 'normal' and I would be in the groove of things.  And some days I am in the groove, knocking things out like you wouldn't believe.  Like I've been doing it my whole life even.  But other days, maybe the majority of some days, I still feel like a first time mom who is a total mess... And you know, I'm okay with that.